The 1990 Gulf Crisis: Political Realism Applied
Shak Bernard Hanish
Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy, 1(1), pp. 01-16.

This article investigates the decisions behind the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. There are many theories and approaches that can be used to interpret wars within the international system. Realism is chosen here to provide the analytical framework with which to explain the Iraqi invasion. Although there are many general propositions of realism regarding the international system, three main propositions are focused upon to help explain the Iraqi invasion. The first assumption of realism applied in this article is the notion that states pursue their national interest defined in terms of power; second, external forces, rather than internal factors, determine states’ foreign policy; and third, rationality explains states’ behavior.

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Hanish, Bernard Shak. (2013). The 1990 Gulf Crisis: Political Realism Applied. Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy, 1(1), pp. 01-16.

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Shak Hanish received his PhD in Political Science in 1998 from Northern Arizona (state) University in International Relations, Comparative Politics, and Politics of the Middle East; his MA and BA in Political Science from San Diego State University. He joined the Social Sciences Department at National University in 2005 and currently he is an associate professor serving as the Lead Faculty for Political Science program. He lectured for several years at various European and Middle Eastern universities as International Visiting Professor.

His research and teaching interests are in World Politics and Middle East Politics. His scholarly work focuses on the issue of minorities, human rights, and democracy in the Middle East, specifically in Iraq. His publications in peer-review journals include The Autonomy issue for the Chaldo-Assyrians in Iraq: A realist assessment; Iraqi dialect through dialogue: Culture, history, & politics; The Current status of religious minorities in the new Iraq; A Province for Christians in Iraq: An Evaluation; The Post 2003 Iraqi electoral laws: A comparison and an assessment; Autonomy for ethnic minority in Iraq: the Chaldo-Assyrian case; The Kirkuk problem in Iraq: Is there a solution? The Chaldean Assyrian Syriac people of Iraq: An ethnic identity problem; Women and the new Iraqi Constitution; and the Role of Islam in the making of the new Iraqi Constitution. He is the co-author of two books; published 5 chapters in different books, 13 journal articles, various newspapers pieces, nine book reviews, 15 encyclopedia entries, and many media interviews.