The EU’s Development Policy Instruments
Katarína Beličáková

Development cooperation represents one of the key priorities of the EU external policies. Through development instruments, the Union is allocating financial contributions in less developed countries, thus helping their economies to develop and grow. The paper presented here deals with financial instruments of the EU and their application in less developed countries. European Development Fund, Development Cooperation Instrument, and Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance are specially brought into focus. It concentrates on the spheres of development cooperation with both thematic and geographic aspects. For one of the poorest countries of the world, Ethiopia, there are presented data of flows of official development assistance which are compared with the flows in all developing countries by a visual analysis in the same period of 1960-2011. The correlation analysis is carried out to demonstrate the interdependence between the flows of official development assistance and some selected macroeconomic indicators on the example of Ethiopia as one of the beneficiary countries. Applying this method, we look into the relation between the official development assistance and the indicators of the country.

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