Ethics and Social Justice Issues in the United Nations Whistle Blowing
Dr. Tirab, Mohamed

The United Nations as an intergovernmental Organization purposely has been established with main concern and mission; to address human rights main issues as well as the justice concerns. The United Nations mission seeks to provide citizens of its member states freedom and liberties. The Security Council is the organ within the organization which should enforce and compel the strict adherence to the ethical norms and norms of international treaties, and values of the human rights, equality and social justice. As inequality existing on many levels, within the organizational body of the United Nations, and within the membership, as many member states are demanding equality in the mechanism of decision making, regarding the voting right of the member states, and the veto right of the permanent members of the Security Council. One of the biggest major challenges facing the United Nations as an intergovernmental organization is the achievement of the most important mandate of providing all nations and people's equal opportunity has been seriously challenged with discouraging international concerns and issues. Another major challenge facing the United Nations is the issue of conflict of interests in how to achieve to peace. The United Nations have Ethics Office, as well as ethical framework, which guide the UN public administrators within the ethical concerns. But still many allegations of the peacekeeping forces and administrators' involvement in misconduct, including abuse and sexual exploitation. My recommendations are; to reform the UN through implementation more transparence policy, such implementing the policy of checks and balances, also the United Nations should review the agreement signed between the Security Council and the International Criminal Court, and to develop the relationship agreement to stronger pact, between the two organizations. Also more adherence to the ethical norms of the organization.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jirfp.v3n1a1