Iran's Strategic Depth in Post-ISIS Syria
Ali Asghar Gharedaghi

With waves of anti-government protests across Syria in 2011, and then the emergence of terrorist groups like the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS), the current order in the Middle East has faced serious challenges; therefore, many regional and transregional actors entered the regional campaign to have a role in the creation of the new order. Due to strategic importance of Iran, this country is one of those actors that the regional developments, especially in Syria, have had great impacts on its short and long-term interests. Tehran did not hesitate to try and maintain its strategic depth through its soft and hard power after the crisis began in Syria, and has always been a supporter of keeping Bashar al-Assad in power. Since the terrorist challenge is gradually diminishing and the attempts for political regime change in Syria being seemingly blocked, Iran has advanced new strategies, such as consolidating the Axis of Resistance, preventing balkanization and participating in the reconstruction of Syria in order to stabilize its strategic depth.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jirfp.v6n2a2